Latest Episodes

Episode 41
April 26, 2023
Mr. Toads Awakening
William Atkinson answers a couple listener questions about the podcast and his favorite genres, then shares a short story he wrote entitled Mr. Toad...

Episode 40
April 20, 2023
Somerton Man, Coveting, & Vampires
A mysterious body washes ashore in southern Australia now known as the Somerton Man. Is he a vampire? A being from a benevolent alien...

Episode 39
April 18, 2023
Somerton Man & Prester John
An ancient artifact from the crucifixion despised by vampires resurfaces in Prester John's mystical kingdom. Does the Somerton Man save the humanity from these...

Episode 38
April 13, 2023
Issac Newton the Time Traveler
Does Issac Newton save the world from a race of malevolent beings hell bent on altering human history? Begin The Descent with R.W. Hague,...

Episode 37
April 12, 2023
R.W. Hague Author Interview & Surviving Midas
R.W. Hague joins us today for an author interview & discussing her work, Surviving Midas. Surviving Midas: As a daughter of an FBI agent,...

Episode 36
April 11, 2023
Anastasia & Rasputin
R.W. Hague joins us today as we dive into the inner workings of the mind through a mysterious mental door. How does Anastasia discover...